Jun 3, 2011

5 Things NOT to do when you attend a festival .....

So I have been there , but not done ALL that   ...

 So if you are planning to attend any festival  , be it Escape or Sunburn or the yet to happen Big Mushroom Cloud Festival ... please avoid doing the following for your own good

1)  So (I use So , so much these days , another symptom of Summers I guess) If you are a very true nomad , do not at all mind sleeping anywhere and most importantly 'relieving' yourself anywhere , you can skip this one . But something in me hates shared washrooms . REPELS it .
SO please be smart and book the place you want to stay in as soon as possible. at least one month before.Else all the cheap and good ones will be gone .
Make a group of few people say 5 to 6 and take up one nice room. No one in the hotel will care about how many people in a room during the festival time

Don't be like ... its a festival , we will see there where to stay once there. Yes you will get a good roof over your head to sleep . But for everything else it might not be true .

2) Don't just visit the place for festival. Extend your stay beyond the dates .
Stupid mistake I did !
Now that you are already there , you have paid for travel back n fro . Stay there for a few days.Once people leave accommodation will be cheaper I know you will have a college , job , blah , blah.  But come on ! When will you again visit the place . You are there , stay another day , step out of the festival venue , visit the local shops , sit by the lake and chat all day .  See beyond the music and art at the festival.

3) Do not buy separate food coupons for everyone in the group.
Its a festival for god sake and sharing is legal ! Eat in a plate and refill . Its too crowded and no one cares.
Or just step outside the venue and look for something that will not burn a hole in your pocket .

4) Do not forget to Ask for the schedule / have a print out with you and plan before which acts you do not want to miss.
Don't be like ... Oh shit ! thats gone , I wanted to see that .

5) Do not forget to take suggestions of people around you . Which band is good . Who plays what . That singer might not be popular but you love that genre do not miss him in the line up .

And if you have any of these tips , please do let me know , so I don't end up feeling ....
actually been there ???


  1. I am good at all but Point 1. :D

    I still would want India to have more music festivals which allow attendees to camp around the venue itself.Fancy it may sound, I would want to try it for once at least.

  2. totally agree ... sounds fancy, and IS fancy.. staying in a tent, camping and all ....
    .... but the mornings can be a bit uncomfortable :/

    but u should totally go for it... next in line should be Storm Festival, nearer to pune
